Prepare for Ludum Dare
Making a game in 48h.Yes, I'm in!
There's less than one week to go until Ludum Dare 44 will start on Saturday, 27. April 2019, at 03:00 AM CET. The theme will be announced at that time. Like Ringo, I am looking forward to this event, although I have to admit that you have to be a little crazy to take part in it.
I am (probably) not going to wake up at 3 in the morning, but a live stream of me coding will be available at, starting at about 8 AM CET. I can't think of any reasons why you should watch me code, but if you don't have anything better to do then, check it out. I am happy to welcome you there. But be warned: I'll be talking Swiss German.
If you don't have the patience to sit through hours of nerve-wrecking coding, don't worry, I won't blame you! I will try to provide a timelapse of the stream which will probably look like this:
Most likely the result will be a simple, but hopefully fun-to-play 2D game made with Unity 2019. There's a not so small chance, that I won't be able to finish in time, but in case I will, the game should be available on and a bit later on this website.